Logix K9


Logix K9 ltd may submit an appeal regarding:

  • The results of assessments
  • Decisions regarding an enquiry
  • Decisions regarding Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations
  • Decisions relating to any action to be taken against a learner or a centre following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration, or decisions relating to Recognition of Prior Learning
  • The way in which a complaint has been handled


The appeal should be made, in the first instance, to the Tutor who made the original assessment decision. At this stage, a verbal appeal is acceptable, although the Learner is recommended to put the appeal in writing.

The Tutor is required to record an overview of the appeal and the outcome of the discussion and forward this to the Quality & Delivery Manager to retain within the centre’s assessment and appeals records.


If Learners remain dissatisfied with the assessment decision and wish to challenge the outcome of Stage 1, then they are required to appeal in writing to the Internal Quality Assurance Officer, Logix K9 within 14 working days of the Stage 1 process.

The IQA will write to the Learner to acknowledge receipt of the appeal within 10 working days and outline the course of action taken. The IQA will carry out an investigation ensuring that another appropriately qualified Tutor and/or assessor is involved in the review and will write to the Learner within 20 working days with the findings and a decision as whether the appeal was justified.

Learners are required to provide as much information as possible regarding the disputed assessment decision, information should include:

  • The date and type of the assessment (ie observation of practical work, assessment of a set task/assignment, result of an internally assessed question paper
  • The name of the Tutor involved
  • A brief outline of the reason for the appeal
  • Any associated documents (ieLearner evidence, record of feedback from the Tutor involved)

All Stage 2 appeals should be sent to:

Logix K9 LTD
Regent 88 Unit-3
201 Second Floor
210 Church Road
Leyton. E10 7JQ

Upon receipt of the appeal the IQA will contact the relevant person required to conduct an appropriate review of the evidence and an Independent Tutorand the IQA may review/reassess the Learners work against the assessment criteria for the qualification, where required.

One of the following decisions will be communicated to the Learner by the Quality & Delivery in writing within 10 days of the decision having been made. This will be to either:

  • Uphold the original assessment decision
  • Offer the Learner an opportunity for a re-sit/reassessment free of charge
  • Overturn the original decision

The decision will also be communicated to the original Tutor and Assessor who assisted in Stage 2 of the appeal. Copies of records of appeals are retained within Logix K9 for a minimum period of 5 years.

Stage 3

If Learners have followed Stage 1 and 2 of the appeals procedures and remain dissatisfied with the outcome, they have the right to take their appeal to the awarding body BIIAB within 10 working days of the decision being communicated to them by the IQA.

If Logix K9 is making an appeal application on behalf of alearner, then consent of the learner must be obtained by completing the Learner/Apprentice Consent Form provided by BIIAB attached to this policy.

The form confirms that learners are aware that an assessment result may be affected negatively or positively following an Appeal; i.e. an assessment result downgraded from a pass to a fail or upgraded to a pass from a fail.

Learners making direct appeals to BIIAB must also complete the form.

How to Appeal at Stage 3

Logix K9 must ensure that appeal procedures are followed in accordance with BIIAB policies to ensure that appeal applications are valid.

BIIAB specifies that the appeal request must be made within 10 working days of the learner being informed of the decision or outcome.

The correct forms must be completed. Learner/apprentices who wish to appeal their assessment results, or a decision affecting their learner/achievement, should have already exhausted the Centre appeals process if the appeal is relating to a qualification.