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Restraint Reduction Training


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Restraint Reduction Training is developed in relation to the viewpoints of the service users with lived experience and follows UK’s guidance for healthcare for adult and young people.


What is Restraint Reduction Training?

Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) and Bild Association has introduced Restraint Reduction Training Standards.

What are these Training Standards?

These are intended to safeguard fundamental human rights and promote person- centred, therapeutic approaches to assisting distressed individuals. This training is aimed to ensure that people’s rights are respected and protected, and restrictive practices are reduced with emphasis on the prevention and de-escalation.

Where applicable?

These standards are designed to be applied to consistently to service across, education, health and social care including children and adult services across the UK.

The Standards have been developed to underpin training provided to staff who support people with mental health conditions, dementia, learning disabilities and autistic people. Training certified against the standards focuses on how the risk of restrictions can be reduced or eliminated, and where it is necessary for interventions to take place, any application should be designed to minimise the risk of physical and psychological harm to all people in all settings.

These Standards are mandatory for all training containing a restrictive intervention component that is delivered to specialist NHS commissioned services in England, most notably those for people with mental health conditions and learning disabilities.

CQC position on this

In a joint blog statement by Kate Terroni, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, and Ted Baker, Chief Inspector of Hospitals, the following was communicated: “The CQC is committed to minimising the use of restraint and other restrictive practices. From April 2021, we expect to see all services across health and social care use training in
restrictive practices that is certified as complying with the Restraint Reduction Network Standards. The standards apply to all training that has a restrictive intervention component and provide a benchmark for training in supporting people who are distressed in education, health and social care settings”.

Duration of the Training

The duration of the length of the session will be either one or two days.


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